
Rachel és Antonius

I've leaving my school for a month and now i just realizing that I miss every moment I've spent in 21. I don't miss the lessons, I just missing the teacher. Some teacher, exactly. 
I realized, some times ago, school was everything to me, bcs when I'm with my friends, I have the best thing in this world. I miss all the laugh, mock, scream, fight, and even the tears we've shared.

Spent 6 days a week, ten hours a day, doing intensif is just awkward.
Saya tau, saya pergi ke bimbel untuk masa depan saya. I don't mind it at all. But, going to a place where ambition blend into one is boring:'( 

Dan sesuai judul postingan ini.............. I'm in a serious need to having my mood-boosters. My half soul.

Misssssssssssssssssssssssss you both sooooooooooooooooo much!!!!
Di inten ga ada kalian jadi ga ada yang menyambangi gue setiap hari:'(

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